“An entrepreneur is someone who will jump off a cliff and assemble an airplane on the way down.”― Reid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman’s quote encapsulates the entrepreneurial spirit of risk-taking, resourcefulness and an abiding belief in oneself.

Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Take the example of Erica B, who while in a meeting with an enterprise client realizes that what the client needs is a machine learning solution and assures them that her startup will be able to deliver on synthesizing unstructured data to glean insights. The core product vision until that day did not encompass a machine learning twist. But she took the opportunity to close a deal with a mega-corporation. And on the cross country trip back, Erica did some research and was able to outline a solution using some of the core capabilities even if not the product features to meet the client’s needs.  That risk-taking ability, jumping into something with nothing but an intellectual understanding of the topic, and the innate belief that she can overcome the challenge and accomplish the goal is what sets entrepreneur’s like Erica apart.

Erica is not an isolated case. In endeavors big and small, entrepreneurs take such risk and are so resourceful across the spectrum – from small business to startup unicorns.

Of course, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to inculcate such philosophy, perspective, and practices.   You can follow the same principles.

Another super successful entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson says: “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity, but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!” There is a lot of truth to Sir Branson’s quote.

No wonder folks like Branson and Hoffman believe in similar things about the nature of seizing opportunities.

Take chances. Believe in yourself. Be Resourceful. Seize the day. And, even if you fall flat, learn from your experience.


Have you ever taken such risks and overcome the obstacles with your resourcefulness? Please share your thoughts.


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Books by Reid Hoffman:

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