Contribute a ChecklistIf you are an entrepreneur or an established business, you know the value of guest posting and backlinks to your website. And we are sure you are aware of the value and viability of checklists as a top of the line SEO content.

For users, who are struggling for time checklists offer a quick and simple way to find that needle in a haystack – quickly and easily.  A thirty item checklist has the power to communicate the same information as a verbose 2000 word article.

So, checklists are a win-win.

Participate in the checklist revolution and contribute your checklists. We will provide a short one-line bio and a backlink to your website or a social media profile page.  (Please avoid highfalutin adjectives and tall claims in your bio. An example to avoid, “Joe Blow is the most amazing orator and his speeches are way better than Abe Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.” Deal?

Let’s now look at how a checklist submission works?

  1. Look at what type of checklists we offer at Inspiware Checklists.
  2. You may either write a checklist or send the concept to seek prior approval.
  3. Pick a topic that is related to our core focus – IQ and EQ development for succeeding in work and life.
  4. Please make sure each checklist has an introduction of about 200-400 words to set the context.
  5. Each checklist must have at least 20 items.
  6. Ideally, the checklist items should have categories.
  7. Please do not include self-promoting links in the main content, except for the bio lane and a link to your webpage.
  8. Multiple tiers are acceptable. And additional columns such as “Start Date” “End Date” “Person Responsible” “Comments” etc. (Please feel free to add columns that may be different than the examples here.)
  9. We reserve the right to reject the checklist for any reason. Generally, the reasons for rejection include quality of the checklist, spelling, and grammar, and lack of relevance to your core business. (For example, if you run a sweatshop and contribute an “Employee Satisfaction Checklist, it may be a bit of a stretch.)
  10. Please understand that we CANNOT and WILL NOT sign an NDA. The reason is the ideas for checklists are not unique, and we or others have covered most mainstream ideas.
  11. Internally teams have a large list of checklist ideas. So, please don’t feel bad; we rejected your contribution. And a similar checklist appears soon after that. Trust us we are not copying your idea. If you are worried about such things, please DO NOT submit the checklist to us.
  12. We will not pay for the checklist contributions. The reward for you is exposure to the quality audience in a relevant editorial ambiance.

Let’s get it done. Please contribute a Checklist. 






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