Best career advice for young people:

Focus on what you learn and less on what you earn.

Focus on your craft, and your career will follow.

A solid foundation is essential to building a skyscraper.

(Source unknown.)

There is no shortage of career advice for young people. But these three nuggets of wisdom are what we consider to be the best career advice for young people.

Like every generation before, today’s youngsters are in a hurry – to swiftly raise to be vice presidents and managing directors; and make a lot of money to power their FIRE (financial independence retire early) dreams.

However, the nuggets of wisdom to hold near and dear are rather self-explanatory.

If you learn enough on the job – not just about the role, but how to work with others, how to accomplish things including the technical aspects of the position, the earnings will follow.  There is no shortcut to success without learning.

Instead of constantly worrying about promotions and titles, it may help learn the craft. If you become best at what you do, titles and accolades will follow.

A solid foundation will stand you in good stead and the only sure shot way to build the glowing tower of your success.

Take this best career advice to heart, and you will never need to worry about your career and earnings.

Agree? Disagree? What advice would you give young people in their quest for a successful career?


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