Sleep Hygiene Tips Checklist

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Sleep Hygiene Tips ChecklistSleep Hygiene Tips Checklist helps you with that elusive necessity – a good night’s sleep.  Research has shown that quality sleep is essential for functioning effectively and for long-term health.

While doctors advice every adult should get 7-9 hours of sleep, it may vary for people. Striving for the optimal is good but even if you sleep an hour less, would it help if the quality of sleep is good? Of course, it would.

Good sleep hygiene is a way to ensure you get to bed, fall asleep, and stay asleep before waking up fresh with an abundance of energy.  Try these sleep hygiene tips for that feeling of raring to go and take on the world.

If you follow these sleep hygiene tips, you will create the right conditions for getting a good snooze. ZZZZZZ. ZZZZZZZ. ZZZZZZZ.

    Sleep Hygiene Tips Checklist:

    • Maintain a standard sleep time within a small margin.
    • Do not drink too much caffeine (and no caffeine after lunchtime.)
    • Avoid taking naps
    • No big meal before dinner
    • Don’t go to bed starving and hungry