Is your passion SMART? One of the measures of validation for evaluating whether a goal or objective is viable and valuable is SMART metrics – “Specific” “Measurable” “Attainable” “Relevant” and “Time-bound.”

So, after you have found your passion and created your action plan, please use this checklist to determine if the action steps leading you toward your passion is SMART. If not, rewrite the necessary items in the space provided. That is the only way you will know if your passion is SMART.

What is your Passion?


Your Goal/Action Step:

Write your action steps



Is your Passion SMART?

  • Is it Specific? Do you have the what and how clearly identified? What specific action steps are you willing to take daily to bring you closer to your passion?
  • Is it Measurable? How will you know when you reach your goal or action step? What daily or weekly milestones can you keep track of in the pursuit of your passion?
  • Is it Attainable? Is your plan feasible? Do you have the resources and support to do this?
  • Is it Relevant? Are your daily action steps relevant to your passion? Does it bring you closer to achieving your dreams?
  • Is it TimeBased? Have you identified a reasonable timeline? What is your target date for completion?

Please check out the e-book “Find your Purpose. Ignite your Passion” for more information on how to unleash your energy in pursuit of a higher purpose.

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