We all have limiting beliefs. Many of them. They are pervasive and pernicious.  Despite the prevalence and the toxic effects many of us do not understand the concept of limiting beliefs.

Defining Limiting Beliefs:

limiting beliefsLimiting beliefs are those mental models and negative thoughts that constrain our ability to step out of our comfort zone and stunt the ability to blossom and bloom. Most limiting beliefs are typically about self-identity and self-esteem but also, they can be about our view of the world, and groups or specific people.  These self-limiting beliefs are the reason you feel listless, sapped of energy, and mired in a rut.

Limiting beliefs come in all colors, stripes, and flavors and span all aspects of life making us feel stuck and helpless.

List of Top Limiting Beliefs:

“It’s not for me.”

“I don’t think I can do it.”

“Why would they hire me when there are a ton of better candidates than me.”

“It never worked and never will.”

“I don’t have time for this.”

“It’s too little and too late.”

“I don’t have a clue…”

“I am a failure.”

“I am not good enough.”

“I don’t deserve love/money/career/health.”

“I procrastinate too much.”

“I don’t even know how I’d handle money/love/career/wealth/success.”

“I am too old/young/weak/fat/frail for this.”

“I am laid back and lazy.”

“I can’t because <name any excuse>.”

“It will never happen.”

“There is no point.”

“No one likes me.”

“Why bother.”

“Forget it.”

Of course, there are dozens of other such limiting beliefs that occupy our minds and contaminate our souls and make us feel stuck in a box.

How Limiting Beliefs Constrain you?

While it all depends on the intensity and the depth of these limiting beliefs, the adverse impact on our thinking, doing, and being is crystal clear.  The limiting beliefs are the reason we don’t apply for a new job. The little negative self-talk that leads to self-sabotage is a result of the limiting beliefs. It is a reason you may not get up in the morning to work out. Or don’t go out in the evening for a potential date. Or eat that extra plateful even though you know you are overweight and need to shed some pounds.

Identify the limiting beliefs before you defy them:

An essential step in the process of overcoming the limiting beliefs is first to understand that you have limiting beliefs and then identify your limiting beliefs.  After that, you can create a plan to overcome the negativity and toxicity of the limiting beliefs.


How to Identify your Limiting Beliefs – Ten simple questions to help unmask the enemy within

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