If you’re miserable in your current job, you may be contemplating heading for the nearest exit immediately. However, leaving your current job before you have another offer in hand could have significant consequences. Quitting without another job requires a plan and preparation.

The truth is that resigning your position without either a job or a plan to land one may be reasonable or reckless depending on the misery meter you find yourself. Find out what are the key considerations and concerns before you hand over your resignation letter.

You may be quitting your job due to a toxic boss. Or you don’t get along with your colleagues.  Or it may be a dead-end job with no career prospects. Irrespective of the reasons, when you feel like you have no option but to quitting without another job, here are some ideas and tips to make it work.

Top Ten Tips to Quitting without another Job


Quit on an Even Keel.

Just because you’re quitting your job doesn’t mean you can yell, scream and point fingers. The world is small, and word travels fast. Don’t make enemies at your current job just when you are leaving. That is the last impression people will have of you.

Plan your finances.

Most Americans don’t have enough cash reserves. So, look at your finances and particularly the liquid cash reserves. If possible, you’re your finances for the next several months and try to cut down expenses as much as possible. Explore avenues as to how you may be able to supplement your income.

Activate your Network.

Even before you hand over the resignation letter, do inform your network that you are interested in a new job. And don’t just rely on your existing contacts. Try to create an outreach program and challenge yourself to make a specific number of new connections each week.

Keep yourself Occupied.

Don’t sit on the couch and bemoan your woes. That will not get you anywhere. Today, there are a lot of short-term and piecemeal opportunities, thanks to the gig economy. Try other activities like consulting in your sphere of expertise or do some volunteer work will help you to stay busy.


After a particularly rough job, you may need to unwind, relax, and rejuvenate. If you are beaten down, that may come across in interviews. Try to build your health, mental wellbeing and self-esteem by engaging in activities that sharpen your mind and lift your soul.

Don’t Jump In.

There is a reason you quit your last job without another offer in hand. So, don’t rush into another position. For example, if you resign as a fry cook in one company, does another similar job work for you? Sometimes it may occur due to better work conditions or culture. But often you may want to explore what skills you have are transferable to another industry and whether that new career is something that excites you and plays to your strengths.

Take a Course.

Go to a community college or take an online course in the areas where you want to pursue your next career. Learning not only enhances your overall skills and competencies but also showcases your continuous development ability to your prospective employers.

Address other aspects of your life.

If you have downtime between jobs, try to fix other aspects of your life. It could be your romantic relationship or spending time with your kids. Or it may mean addressing the long-festering health problems.

Blog or Write.

Irrespective of whether you are a blue collar worker or a professional, you can try to not only stay sharp but also build an audience and sometimes side income by creating a blog or posting guest articles as an authority. Even prospective employers will want to hire someone who is an expert in their field.

Have Realistic Expectations.

Some job may be as easy as showing up and filling an application. But others may take 3-6 months. Don’t get frustrated by having undue expectations of possibilities and timelines. Be realistic and prepare yourself for the long haul.
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