“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Actions speak louder and so much better than words anyway. So why engage in empty chatter?

Actions Speak Louder than Words:

One can bemoan the lack of diversity in the workplace.  How about actually doing something about it. If you are a leader, you can make necessary policy and process changes on diversity and inclusion so that your company’s workforce reflects your words.

Even if you are not in a decision-making capacity, you can still influence the policy. Or at least make referrals of worth candidates you know that can usher in the diversity you seek.

Or pontificate about the lack of civility in civic discourse. Talk about how today there are only politicians and no statesmen (and stateswomen). Also, it is easy to finger point and blame the other side. Highfalutin words may score you some brownie points in your social circle, but will they bring about change?  A simple action like casting your ballot speaks more eloquently.

Or be beside yourself about the “Me” generation. You can yearn for days gone by where there was a sense of community and camaraderie. Instead, how about volunteering for a good cause and setting an example?

And in the personal sphere, you can tell your kids about respect, empathy, and kindness. But have you shown it in your actions? A young mind will learn faster and take the lessons to hear by seeing the good deeds, not just empty words.

In the workplace, you may always diss the meeting culture and how nothing ever gets done in meetings.  That may be true.  But what did you do about it? Have you begun 50-minute meetings that start at five minutes past the hour and end 5 minutes before the hour? Have you done basic things like setting an agenda, pre-sending the prep material, keeping the discussions focused, and perhaps sending out a summary note at the end of the meeting?

Or for that matter, self-talk about being a better person – exercising well, being mindful, and enjoying the little things.  But have you used the treadmill, took that meditation class, and making every moment count?

Instead, as the memorable Nike slogan says, “Just Do It.” Actions speak louder.

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