Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. –Maya Angelou

These words by Maya Angelou are profound and speak to the way we live our lives.

How many moments in your life have taken your breath away?  Whether at work or in life, if most moments are drudgery, you are not living the life or having the career that you should.

Do not get stuck in a career where there is no growth – intellectually, professionally, and financially.  Do not get stuck in a relationship where there is no warmth – of body and soul.

For example, is your job nothing more than a way to put food on the table? There are no prospects for growth or intellectual stimulation at work?

Is your relationship devoid of love, lust, and life?

Do you wake up every day without enthusiasm and energy?

If this is the way you live your life, it is time to let go. It is time for new hopes and new horizons. It is time for an extreme makeover of your outlook and attitude.

Collect those breathtaking moments in every facet of your life.

Here is a sampling of Breathtaking Moments:

For each of us, what moments take our breath away will be different.

Go on that Himalayan expedition.

Spend time in wine country.

Take a course in pottery.

Paint to your heart’s content.

Cross the pond for a professional experience.

Taste the authentic food and experience the real lives of other cultures, not in a metropolis but the actual place.

Enjoy every amazing moment of your child.

Take that new job in a new city.

Build that idea festering in your mind into a business.

By the time we are ready to bid goodbye to this life, what counts is those exhilarating experiences and momentous moments.  So, make your life matter and savor those breathtaking moments.

Are you ready?

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