Ten Skills that require zero talent

  1. Politeness: As your grandmother taught you, politeness goes a long way in making life easier. A simple thank you, please, and authentic words of praise leads to smiles on others’ faces in addition to making you a likable
  2. Punctuality: Show up on time as long as humanly possible. Punctuality shows that you care about other people’s time. And yes while you are at it, please do end the meetings on time and not continue with hallway conversations right after the meeting.
  3. Passion: The level of your passion is a determinant of whether you have a job or a career or whether it is just a project or a piece of personal creation (albeit in a larger project or program.)
  4. Preparation: Read that material someone sent before the meeting. Preparation also leads to a better articulation of your points in any setting.
  5. Perseverance: Please don’t give up at the first stumbling block. Success is often built on a series of failures. Keep at what you are doing, try other ways, and persevere until you attain the desired outcomes.
  6. Personality: Bring out the shiny you to work every day. People have enough problems already, and the last thing they want is to deal with yet another curmudgeon and a naysayer. Your personality is what makes you and ensure that you are projecting the best version of you.
  7. Proactive: Do something today instead of tomorrow. Ask your boss if she/he needs help on that BHAG (Big, Hairy, and Audacious Goal).  Lend a helping hand without waiting for them to beg.
  8. Practical: Be pragmatic and practical. Someone who has an even keel performs better with other members of the team at work. Imagine, if you are the balance between the bright-eyed optimists and the sky is falling pessimists?
  9. Persuasion: Persuading people to coalesce around the point of view is a gentle art. Of course, if it is your idea, that is adding a cherry to the top. But irrespective of whose idea it is bosses appreciate consensus builders and those who can rally the teams to a common cause.
  10. Planning: Plan well in advance and adjust to the vagaries of the situation. For example, what is your path to the next promotion? How are you going to manage that complex project? How will you learn that new skill that seems to be in demand? All these things require careful planning and flawless execution.

Of course, you don’t have to master all the ten things that require zero talent.  You may already be good at a few and cultivate a few others that will help you be successful at work.

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