Do you have butterflies in your stomach? Are you a bit nervous and anxiety is off the charts? Well, if you care enough, it is natural for us to feel anxious before a job interview. So, how do you overcome the job interview jitters? Please read on.

For most of us, a career is an important and integral part of life, and there is a lot at stake. A good job determines our financial future, lifestyle, and career progression.

So, from how to answer simple questions like “Tell me about yourself” to complex inquiries about functional skills there is a lot to worry about. Plus, things like how you dress, the way you make eye contact, and shake hands also come into play.

While job interview jitters are common, they can be the undoing of a candidate’s prospects. The job interview jitters will cause distraction, and you may not be able to portray the confidence and composure that is essential for success.

Make anxiety work for you instead of against you. Try these top ten ways to overcome interview jitters and adopt these strategies for regaining your composure and landing more job offers.

Top Ten Ways to Overcome Job Interview Jitters


Reframe your perspective.

There are advantages to anxiety if it gives you more energy and motivation to work hard. Still, you can accomplish the same thing with more comfortable emotions. Turn your anxiety into eagerness, so you’re looking forward to your interview instead of brooding about it.

Accept the Jitters.

Suppressing emotions can intensify them and make them surface at inopportune times. Embrace your doubts and challenge them rather than trying to ignore them.

Plan and Prepare.

Planning will give you confidence. Research the company and staff members you’ll be meeting with. Rehearse your answers in front of a mirror or with a friend. Focus on the difficult areas, so you’ll sound as eloquent as possible.

Get a good night sleep.

Getting 8 hours of sleep the night before would be ideal. If you’re too restless to snooze, lie still and rest. Recite something uplifting or picture cheerful images. A warm bath before bed may help too.

Get your body in shape.

Exercise is one of the most constructive ways to release tension. Go for a run in the park on the morning of your interview or take a yoga class at lunchtime.

Practice Breathing.

Our emotions are closely connected to our breath. Doing breathing exercises each day will give you greater control. For a quick fix, try lengthening your exhalations and picturing your doubts leaving your body.

Don’t load up on Caffeine.

The last thing you need is too much caffeine. Put yourself on a budget, like one cup of coffee soon after you wake up and another one later in the morning.

Don’t be late.

A peaceful commute will help you stay on track. Ensure you understand the directions to the venue where you’re interviewing. Give yourself plenty of time in case of heavy traffic and severe weather.

Engage in a Discussion.

Remember that an interview is a chance to giving and take rather than being an interrogation. Many interviewers will appreciate your ability to guide the conversation toward your major strengths and concerns.

Close Strong.

Reinforce your performance by closing on a high note. Summarize what you can contribute to the company and thank your interviewer for their time and consideration. Follow up with a thank you note and any materials you promised to send.
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