Challenging Negative Thoughts Worksheet: Negative thoughts are often the root cause of our anger, anxiety, stress, and depression. These irrational and unhelpful thoughts lead us down dark paths and often result in lowering our self-esteem and self-worth. Negative thoughts can spiral out of control and exact a steep price.

If you wish to escape from the vortex of these unhelpful and irrational thoughts, a potential way is to challenge the negative thoughts. Challenging negative thoughts worksheet helps you in this regard. Answer each question when negative thoughts drown out your mind. Answer them objectively and in the moment. Reflect on what the thought means and how it impacts your life. Then try to reframe the thought into something which is balanced and rational. After login, you may enter the information online, save the worksheet, and return to it later. Plus, you will be able to enter several worksheets for different thoughts.

Note: If you need clinical intervention and need professional medical or psychological help, please consult your doctor or a licensed therapist or a hotline immediately. The Challenging Negative Thoughts worksheet is not a substitute for professional help. Even otherwise taking the completed worksheets to your therapist/doctor for discussion might be valuable.

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Challenging Negative Thoughts Worksheet

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Assess, Analyze, and Challenge the Negative Thoughts
  • What are the costs and benefits of the thought?
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