When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Lao Tzu

Clutching to our past history and current dogmas will inhibit our future growth.  Many of us find comfort in our little cocoon without realizing that it takes shedding everything for a caterpillar to transform into a beautiful butterfly.  Or for a diamond in the rough to shine through.

A metamorphosis cannot occur if we cling on to what we have.  That is a persistent challenge many of us face at work and in life.

You are stuck in a job you love to hate.  You dread the feeling of going to work. And you are not developing new skills or advancing in your career.  So, why continue with the same behaviors what got you here – which is pretty much nowhere? Why not let go and emerge as something new.  This openness to transformation is what will stand you in good stead and allow you to step out of the morass.

Same thing with your relationships. If you can’t find or keep friends or fail at every romantic relationship, why follow the same rulebook? Instead, embrace something different. Maybe you will find success in having a set of meaningful relationship and a stable partner.

The quote by Lao Tzu is also about the way we try to cultivate an image of who we are and try to nurture that image and protect it. What if that persona is not who we truly are and it is a façade and a culmination of years of self-deception?  Instead, taking a chisel to that rock may yield a sculpture of enormous beauty.

Do you agree that we will have a better chance of achieving full potential by discarding the shackles? But let go and embrace new possibilities and step into new horizons, you will need to unlearn. Are you ready, able, and willing? Here’s to the possibilities.

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