A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have but how many leaders you create.  – MK Gandhi

As Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (a.k.a. Mahatma Gandhi) eloquently states creating leaders is the accurate measure of a leader not how many followers one has.

Today, we have more politicians than statesmen (or stateswomen).  Managers and administrators abound and not enough leaders.  It seems our value is equal to our net worth. And our popularity is dependent on the number of social media followers.

Once upon a time, corporations (like IBM and Generic Electric in their heyday), military, religious/spiritual institutions, politics, and institutions of higher learning were creating leaders who were successful beyond their alma mater.

Hence, it is a good idea to reflect on what Gandhi suggested – focus on creating leaders and not just accumulating hordes of followers.

Who do you think are creating leaders who may be able to help through the turbulent times?  Who should assume the mantle of creating leaders? Or is hero and leader worship anachronistic? Or do you believe in “Cometh the hour cometh the man?” (using the phrase without any specific religious connotation.)



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