Behaviors Cost-Benefit Analysis Worksheet


Behaviors Cost-Benefit Analysis Worksheet allows us to evaluate the positive and negative effects of our behaviors. We all have many [...]

Career Goal Planning Worksheet


A Career Goal Planning Worksheet is an extremely important tool to influence and shape your career, rather than let is [...]

Pleasant Feelings Worksheet


Pleasant Feelings Worksheet is a simple online worksheet to document your pleasant feelings and thoughts and then assign a level [...]

Vision Clarification Worksheet


The Vision Clarification Worksheet helps you in figuring out what is the true intent and passion that will drive your [...]

Winning Workplace Culture Worksheet


The Winning Workplace Culture Worksheet is a simple way to gain a better perspective of what drives your company and [...]

Personal Mission Statement


Similar to how companies can have a vision statement and a mission statement, individuals can develop personal vision statements and [...]

Find your Purpose and Ignite your Passion


What is your Purpose? How do you find your purpose? All of us have a lot of things that ignite [...]

OKR Worksheet


OKR Worksheet is a simple template to enter and manage your OKRs (Objectives and Key Results.) OKR is a favorite [...]

Job Promotion Proposal Worksheet


If you are aiming for a job promotion at work, a job promotion proposal is an excellent tool to communicate [...]

Leadership Roadmap Assessment Worksheet


Leadership Roadmap Assessment Worksheet: Leadership skills do not happen in a vacuum.  Enhancing one’s leadership mettle takes practice, perseverance, and [...]

Fear Setting Worksheet


“Define your fears, not your goals” - Tim Ferriss The following is a Fear Setting Worksheet Template based on a [...]

Identifying Positive Traits Worksheet


Identifying Positive Traits Worksheet: How do you find the good in you? By identifying the positive traits that you possess. [...]